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Section: New Results

High-performance computing on next generation architectures

Bridging the gap between OpenMP and task-based runtime systems

With the advent of complex modern architectures, the low-level paradigms long considered sufficient to build High Performance Computing (HPC) numerical codes have met their limits. Achieving efficiency, ensuring portability, while preserving programming tractability on such hardware prompted the HPC community to design new, higher level paradigms while relying on runtime systems to maintain performance. However, the common weakness of these projects is to deeply tie applications to specific expert-only runtime system APIs. The OpenMP specification, which aims at providing common parallel programming means for shared-memory platforms, appears as a good candidate to address this issue thanks to the latest task-based constructs introduced in its revision 4.0. The goal of this paper is to assess the effectiveness and limits of this support for designing a high-performance numerical library, ScalFMM, implementing the fast multipole method (FMM) that we have deeply redesigned with respect to the most advanced features provided by OpenMP 4. We show that OpenMP 4 allows for significant performance improvements over previous OpenMP revisions on recent multicore processors and that extensions to the 4.0 standard allow for strongly improving the performance, bridging the gap with the very high performance that was so far reserved to expert-only runtime system APIs. More details on this work can be found in [17].

Modeling Irregular Kernels of Task-based codes: Illustration with the Fast Multipole Method

The significant increase of the hardware complexity that occurred in the last few years led the high performance community to design many scientific libraries according to a task-based parallelization. The modeling of the performance of the individual tasks (or kernels) they are composed of is crucial for facing multiple challenges as diverse as performing accurate performance predictions, designing robust scheduling algorithms, tuning the applications, etc. Fine-grain modeling such as emulation and cycle-accurate simulation may lead to very accurate results. However, not only their high cost may be prohibitive but they furthermore require a high fidelity modeling of the processor, which makes them hard to deploy in practice. In this paper, we propose an alternative coarse-grain, empirical methodology oblivious to both the target code and the hardware architecture, which leads to robust and accurate timing predictions. We illustrate our approach with a task-based Fast Multipole Method (FMM) algorithm, whose kernels are highly irregular, implemented in the ScalFMM library on top of the StarPU task-based runtime system and the simgrid simulator. More details on this work can be found in [41].

Task-based fast multipole method for clusters of multicore processors

Most high-performance, scientific libraries have adopted hybrid parallelization schemes - such as the popular MPI+OpenMP hybridization - to benefit from the capacities of modern distributed-memory machines. While these approaches have shown to achieve high performance, they require a lot of effort to design and maintain sophisticated synchronization/communication strategies. On the other hand, task-based programming paradigms aim at delegating this burden to a runtime system for maximizing productivity. In this article, we assess the potential of task-based fast multipole methods (FMM) on clusters of multicore processors. We propose both a hybrid MPI+task FMM parallelization and a pure task-based parallelization where the MPI communications are implicitly handled by the runtime system. The latter approach yields a very compact code following a sequential task-based programming model. We show that task-based approaches can compete with a hybrid MPI+OpenMP highly optimized code and that furthermore the compact task-based scheme fully matches the performance of the sophisticated, hybrid MPI+task version, ensuring performance while maximizing productivity. We illustrate our discussion with the ScalFMM FMM library and the StarPU runtime system. More details on this work can be found in [40].

Achieving high-performance with a sparse direct solver on Intel KNL

The need for energy-efficient high-end systems has led hardware vendors to design new types of chips for general purpose computing. However, designing or porting a code tailored for these new types of processing units is often considered as a major hurdle for their broad adoption. In this paper, we consider a modern Intel Xeon Phi processor, namely the Intel Knights Landing (KNL) and a numerical code initially designed for a classical multi-core system. More precisely, we consider the qr_mumps scientific library implementing a sparse direct method on top of the StarPU runtime system. We show that with a portable programming model (task-based programming), a good software support (a robust runtime system coupled with an efficient scheduler) and some well defined hardware and software settings, we are able to transparently run the exact same numerical code. This code not only achieves very high performance (up to 1 TFlop/s) on the KNL but also significantly outperforms a modern Intel Xeon multi-core processor both in terms of time to solution and energy efficiency up to a factor of 2.0. More details on this work can be found in [42].